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LoRaWan Gateway
Indoor Gateway - iFemtoCell-Evolution 923
LoRa gateways play a crucial role in LoRaWAN networks, serving to receive, aggregate, and convert data from widely dispersed LoRaWAN IoT devices into a format that can be understood by network servers.
The Wirnet iFemtoCell range is the ideal LoRaWAN indoor gateway range to support your smart building, smart city or any smart project that requires dedicated deep indoor coverage and/or network densification with Ethernet (RJ45) connection, providing both unique superior coverage and operational excellence.
Rukan Crown, Blok A No.25 Jl. Green Lake City Boulevard No.10, RT.001/RW.010, Petir, Kec. Cipondoh, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15147 Indonesia
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